Drugs Information: Acetohexamide

Basic Information

ID DDInter16
Drug Type small molecule
Molecular Formula C15H20N2O4S
Molecular Weight 324.401
Description A sulfonylurea hypoglycemic agent that is metabolized in the liver to 1-hydrohexamide. Acetohexamide has been discontinued in the US market.
ATC Classification A10BB31
IUPAC Name 3-(4-Acetylbenzenesulfonyl)-1-Cyclohexylurea
InChI Inchi=1S/C15H20N2O4S/C1-11(18)12-7-9-14(10-8-12)22(20,21)17-15(19)16-13-5-3-2-4-6-13/H7-10,13H,2-6H2,1H3,(H2,16,17,19)
Canonical SMILES CC(=O)C1=CC=C(C=C1)S(=O)(=O)NC(=O)NC1CCCCC1
Useful Links DrugBank ChEMBL PubChem

Interactions with Acetohexamide

Severity level ID Name Mechanism Detail